#BrothersandBadgesTogether with NOPDs 5th District.

Uniting police and public in very dis-united urban areas is a major part of my safety advocacy. A brief glimpse over the hotly debated cause of rioting after officers shoot Black male subjects is the latest reason why I work to unite brothers who sow safety with counterparts wearing badges.

Most of my efforts are centralized in New Orleans St. Roch and Marigny communities. This is also part of the jurisdiction of New Orleans Police Department  ( NOPD ) 5th District.
It is commanded by Frank Young and its Deputy Commander is Lt. Lejon Roberts.
In my roles as Head of Security for the New Orleans Healing Center  ( a story in itself ) and area safety advocate, it was only natural to activate my Brothers and Badges Together collaboration here like I did in my hometown of Savannah, Ga.
Our area has active criminals targeting its growing transplant population. This is particularly true of single women being targeted for harassment; robbery and assault while they walk;  bicycle; sit outside and in public places.
My job and citizen on patrol activities, both literal and online, routinely bring me into contact with subjects worth noting and actual suspects.
I share observations and sightings of wanted individuals with the 5th District for evaluation and rapid response.
As Vice President of the Faubourg St Roch Improvement Association, I add member concerns in the same manner.
This is how it should work between urban stakeholders of any color and local law enforcement. This is how it must work regarding Black male stakeholders fighting to create safety in very unsafe areas.
Including an arrest of a serial trespasser yesterday, my Brothers and Badges Together collaboration with the 5th District has produced seven arrests in several months time for offenses ranging from simple assault, criminal trespassing, burglary and simple robbery, in addition to victims being assisted by this District’s top decision makers and those they assign to these cases.
Because my safety advocacy builds up police/community relations instead of teariing them down, this brother works with, not against, his local police district to create safety instead of enemies.
Thanks to Commander Young and Deputy Commander Roberts, Brothers and Badges Together is a reality with the New Orleans Police Department’s 5th District.
Nadra Enzi aka Cap Black is a Safety Advocate in New Orleans, La.