We handle accidents too!

101 W. Robert E. Lee Blvd. Suite 402 New Orleans, LA 70124

Livaccari Villarrubia Lemmon
101 W. Robert E. Lee Blvd.
Suite 402
New Orleans, LA 70124

So the accident was not your fault. You were the driver of the vehicle that was not at fault or a passenger in any vehicle involved in an accident. What do you do now? If your motor vehicle accident happened on public property, you should always request a police investigation so that a report can be prepared and you will have all the information about how the accident happened and all parties and insurance companies involved in the accident. If the accident occurred on private property, usually the local police department will not investigate the incident. In that instance, try to get statements and information from not only the parties involved, but also any witnesses that may have seen the accident. Next, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Typically an emergency room visit or Police Car 2urgent care visit on the date of the accident provides good evidence that you were injured in the accident. Now you need to preserve your rights to recover damages for your injuries. Self-help almost always results in high stress and poor results. An insurance company’s goal is minimize your recovery of damages, not to make you whole. Your best choice is to hire a lawyer as soon as possible. Don’t talk to any insurance company representative before talking to a lawyer, and particularly don’t give a statement without your lawyer being present.

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