#BrothersandBadgesTogether with NOPDs 5th District.

Uniting police and public in very dis-united urban areas is a major part of my safety advocacy. A brief glimpse over the hotly debated cause of rioting after officers shoot Black male subjects is the latest reason why I work to unite brothers who sow safety with counterparts wearing badges.

Most of my efforts are centralized in New Orleans St. Roch and Marigny communities. This is also part of the jurisdiction of New Orleans Police Department  ( NOPD ) 5th District.
It is commanded by Frank Young and its Deputy Commander is Lt. Lejon Roberts.
In my roles as Head of Security for the New Orleans Healing Center  ( a story in itself ) and area safety advocate, it was only natural to activate my Brothers and Badges Together collaboration here like I did in my hometown of Savannah, Ga.
Our area has active criminals targeting its growing transplant population. This is particularly true of single women being targeted for harassment; robbery and assault while they walk;  bicycle; sit outside and in public places.
My job and citizen on patrol activities, both literal and online, routinely bring me into contact with subjects worth noting and actual suspects.
I share observations and sightings of wanted individuals with the 5th District for evaluation and rapid response.
As Vice President of the Faubourg St Roch Improvement Association, I add member concerns in the same manner.
This is how it should work between urban stakeholders of any color and local law enforcement. This is how it must work regarding Black male stakeholders fighting to create safety in very unsafe areas.
Including an arrest of a serial trespasser yesterday, my Brothers and Badges Together collaboration with the 5th District has produced seven arrests in several months time for offenses ranging from simple assault, criminal trespassing, burglary and simple robbery, in addition to victims being assisted by this District’s top decision makers and those they assign to these cases.
Because my safety advocacy builds up police/community relations instead of teariing them down, this brother works with, not against, his local police district to create safety instead of enemies.
Thanks to Commander Young and Deputy Commander Roberts, Brothers and Badges Together is a reality with the New Orleans Police Department’s 5th District.
Nadra Enzi aka Cap Black is a Safety Advocate in New Orleans, La.

Attended A Mediation Session

I recently was invited by a friend who is an NOPD officer to attend a mediation facilitated by members of the Office of Independent Police Monitor. My role was to be his support person and chime in as needed during the discussion.

Across the table was a highly agitated fellow whom my friend has cited and arrested numerous times over the years. Their relationship is replicated endless times around the county and world between police officers and problem people on their beats.

It was a fiery exchange of allegations and not-so-subtle threats which my friend weathered with trademark calm. It provided a ringside seat for how measures to foster understanding between officers and the public they encounter can also be abused by career criminals to berate and accuse an officer.

We emerged the same as we went in, two supporters of proactive policing and community partnerships facing a proponent of crime & excuse making. The experience once again made me appreciate policing in what I call a ” post-police : city where law enforcement is overseen by folks who confuse our streets with mythical Mayberry from the Andy Griffith Show.

As a friend and safety advocate, I could do no less than honor his request to be a support person.

Nadra Enzi aka Cap Black, safety advocate in an unsafe city.



A Move in the Right Direction?

Some public safety watchers greet the January 3rd, 2017 return of the ” Targeted Marigny, ” to the New Orleans Police Department’s  5th District with alarm and skepticism.

Currently in the French Quarter-focused 8th District, its robust violent crime statistics, critics say, will now be added to the 5th Districts loaded ledger. Less suspicious, but equally concerned, observers wonder about active complaints and investigations which may soon land in limbo. They join skeptics in asking, is moving the ” Targeted Marigny ” to the incident-rich 5th District a move in the right direction?

-Nadra Enzi aka Cap Black, RLSH. Creator,#CapBlackStreetPatrol. *Walking escorts* *Victim advocacy* Last but never least, police support

Citizens Patrol Amid Depolicing

New Orleans Police Department is in a stranglehold of external oversight leaving little room for being proactive. This scarcity of proactivity is exploited daily by criminals in captive communities.

Citizens on patrol are acutely aware of this drought and list it as part of why they hit the pavement. A 40-year high in low retention and surplus of violent offenders mean citizens on patrol, like less adventurous peers, can’t assume fast police response to 911 calls. Combined with external pressure on case management, citizens on patrol realize local partners in blue are less willing to act on complaints brought by the public. The incentive skews now toward not investigating complaints to avoid career ending outside inquiry.

Such sobering restrictions are part of the landscape for citizens patrol amid depolicing. Some ask, what good is being extra eyes and ears for a department with its hands tied by red tape?

-Nadra Enzi aka Cap Black, RLSH. #CapBlackStreetPatrol creator. @nadraenzi on twitter.

Neighborhood Walk: Watch with Our Feet


I’m a big fan of neighborhood watch. It fits my model of having residents create safety within their comfort zones. For most folks, they’re comfortable peering through the blinds and calling 911.

In combative cities like New Orleans, Neighborhood Walk is my suggestion to folks whose streets are overtaken by violent youth and other criminals. Neighborhood Watch is often organized in relatively stable communities. While high crime areas have it too, stability comes only if visibility is present.

While I created my own citizen patrol, Cap Black Street Patrol, Neighborhood Walk is what I’d like to see proactive folks start doing in captive communities. I’ll gladly help organize them but my purpose isn’t just to recruit people for my group. I’d love new members but want folks hitting the pavement on their own too!

In a city with a police department under a federal consent decree; with plummeting officer morale and man power, deterring crime is our responsibility now more than ever! New Orleans streets belong to those who actively claim them and it’s clear law abiding citizens aren’t currently doing the claiming.

Lets help our communities and our police department, by deterring crime and serving as witnesses when we hit the pavement.

The streets belong to us too🙂

Nadra Enzi aka Cap lBack, RLSH: real life superhero for folks feeling like zeroes!

Will Election End War on Cops?


Crunch time arriveth regarding who will be the next president of the United States.

Safety voters have myriad concerns on the table, from gun rights to homeland security. Overshadowing either is whether this election cycle’s conclusion also means an end to a major safety voter concern: the war on cops? Riots and mass ambushes of police hallmarked this campaign season, as overly indulged disrupters and lone assassins drowned out voices of reason.

This climate has federal consent decrees leading police departments and changing policing itself. Our next president will have to decide on these and related issues. I hope his or her decision making includes making the end of the War on cops a top priority.

-Nadra Enzi aka Cap Black, Your UrbanSafetyist. @nadraenzi on twitter.

Citizen Supporters in Police Unions


In the back of my fevered mind has always been this idea: create a non-voting Citizen Supporter status for law enforcement proponents who’ve never served to join police unions. I’m treading lightly so as not to step on any toes, active, retired or reserve. My purpose is formalizing a united front in favor of ” blue rights ” to contest well-funded, anything but well meaning anti-police agitation.

It creates a national body of screened advocates, ” FOP Citizen Supporters, ” in the case of the Fraternal Order of Police, to lobby politicians and push back propaganda on key issues. They can graduate from Citizen Supporter Academies, similar to Citizens Police ones, but hosted by local lodges or associations.

It’s not meant to encroach upon the special bond between officers. It’s meant to add another fiber to that bond, interweaving citizens ready to stand up for law enforcement who put time and commitment where their mouths are.

The opposition is organized and exerting enormous negative pressure upon policing and its supporters. We need to exert enormous counter-pressure as a broadened, united front supporting law enforcement.

Otherwise, enemies of officer safety and civilian self-defense undermine both until neither substantively exists.

-Nadra Enzi aka Cap Black, Your UrbanSafetyist. @nadraenzi on twitter.

Warning from a Chicago Police Officer

The superintendent of the Chicago Police Department recently said a badly beaten female officer told him she didn’t shoot her attacker for fear of news coverage and retaliation against her family. I scrolled down to read the story’s comment section and saw some speculation that the statement wasn’t true. The argument was made that it’s counter-intuitive for an armed person not to shoot a life-threatening attacker. Had I not repeatedly heard, seen and read this same concern from retired and active officers, I’d agree her story seemed far fetched.

But in an era where riots are held honoring cop beaters and shooters, it’s not too much of a stretch to hear officers willing to endure severe thrashings instead of living in seclusion for the rest of their lives. In the name of sins past and present, real and imagined, police officers are now tried in a court of public opinion. Sadly, it’s not law abiding citizens trying policing.

Often, delusional social justice warriors from outside urban centers unite with career criminals and enabling activists to declare any police use of force, or the institution itself, racist without exception.

Law abiding citizens, in all communities, should heed this warning from a Chicago police officer. If law enforcement second guesses itself while under attack, everyone loses our supposedly inalienable right of self-defense. That’s hardly a path to peace in the streets.

-Nadra Enzi aka Cap Black, Your UrbanSafetyist. @nadraenzi on twitte

Help Your Local Police Union.

Americans feel we have a God-given right to express our opinion. Americans wearing badges and blue uniforms aren’t allowed to openly voice thoughts contrary to department policy or directives issued by commanding officers. The exception to this rule are police union representatives, who take to the air waves and create content on behalf of this constituency.

Law enforcement supporters should contact local police unions and build a united front. Political campaigns and use-of-force incidents are times when such unity is key.

Candidates and activists contrary to public safety must be contested in the public square. We need look no further for examples than the 2016 presidential election cycle. One candidate won his primary with a battle cry of, ” law and order. ” Clearly, this resonated with millions of safety voters concerned about the future amid ambushes and riots. He was endorsed by the nation’s largest police union, while his opponent refused to even fill out the questionaire. This is a textbook case of police and public sentiment lining up behind a safety-minded politician.

As communities are targeted by enraged mobs and dubious policy proposals, helping your local police union transitions from mere civic duty to shoring up a besieged society. It’s high time we realized we’re simply parts of the same side!

-Nadra Enzi aka Cap Black, Your UrbanSafetyist. @nadraenzi on twitter.

Public Not Police Brutality Poem

ALOT of talk/about police brutality/Very little/about responsibility/or criminality or resisting arrest or committing felonies/

Alot of talk/about police brutality/Very little/about PUBLIC brutality/killing cops & and inner cities/Callously, constantly/… 

-Nadra Enzi aka Cap Black, Your UrbanSafetyist. @nadraenzi on twitter.