Help Your Local Police Union.

Americans feel we have a God-given right to express our opinion. Americans wearing badges and blue uniforms aren’t allowed to openly voice thoughts contrary to department policy or directives issued by commanding officers. The exception to this rule are police union representatives, who take to the air waves and create content on behalf of this constituency.

Law enforcement supporters should contact local police unions and build a united front. Political campaigns and use-of-force incidents are times when such unity is key.

Candidates and activists contrary to public safety must be contested in the public square. We need look no further for examples than the 2016 presidential election cycle. One candidate won his primary with a battle cry of, ” law and order. ” Clearly, this resonated with millions of safety voters concerned about the future amid ambushes and riots. He was endorsed by the nation’s largest police union, while his opponent refused to even fill out the questionaire. This is a textbook case of police and public sentiment lining up behind a safety-minded politician.

As communities are targeted by enraged mobs and dubious policy proposals, helping your local police union transitions from mere civic duty to shoring up a besieged society. It’s high time we realized we’re simply parts of the same side!

-Nadra Enzi aka Cap Black, Your UrbanSafetyist. @nadraenzi on twitter.

Public Not Police Brutality Poem

ALOT of talk/about police brutality/Very little/about responsibility/or criminality or resisting arrest or committing felonies/

Alot of talk/about police brutality/Very little/about PUBLIC brutality/killing cops & and inner cities/Callously, constantly/… 

-Nadra Enzi aka Cap Black, Your UrbanSafetyist. @nadraenzi on twitter. 

Safety has No Color

Now is the time for inner city supporters of police not to be drowned out by skeptics or openly anti-police elements. We pay the price of violent crime, drug trafficking and disinvestment due to lack of safety more heavily than any other Americans.

Police, not career criminals masquerading as advocates nor delusional reformers, are our natural allies in fighting back against these conditions. Too many urban youth and adults die from cross fire or, even more callously, genocidal assaults on rivals’ families.

Black Lives Matter and statue stalkers of confederate monuments won’t march for these victims nor intimidate gangs the way they do elected officials.

Safety has no color and is created by active public and police partnerships, regardless of zip code. Lack of safety, however, does have a color, red. It’s prominently seen at crime scenes across America. Creating more safety by supporting and allying with police can change this picture.

-Nadra Enzi aka Cap Black, Your UrbanSafetyist. @nadraenzi on twitter.

*Donate* if you believe in creating safety together instead of awaiting rationing from government.

Commending Cops.

The anti-police, negative narrative encourages public feedback to be consistently negative. Internal affairs complaints and inflammatory media coverage is their preferred method.

Police advocacy creatively counters this narrative with formal commendations, events and supportive content produced. America is in a war of words ( and worse ) about policing. I’ve filed commendations; contacted supervisors; written editorials; interviewed union leaders and use social media to combat the negative narrative. A steady diet of allegations and literal assault make professionals wary of the public. It divides stakeholders at a time when agitators, enablers and violent criminals stand united.

Officers appreciate recognition that their work and sacrifice isn’t in vain. Administrators also favor getting good news about performance from people departments serve.

Commending cops takes on new urgency as violent demonization of policing, protests by NFL players and even high school football teams stir urban resentment to new heights. This resentment launches jeering crowds,ambushes and lethal escalation of routine encounters.

Commending cops is one way advocates mobilize the public to figuratively protect embattled protectors. The future of policing demands it.

-Nadra Enzi aka Cap Black, Your UrbanSafetyist. @nadraenzi on twitter.

When Rogues Rule

Current police reform mania goes deeper than liberal allegations of bias and libertarian mistrust of armed authority. Objective police supporters can at least have civil discourse with these ideologies.

I contend reasonable liberal and libertarian voices have been lost amid a howling rogues gallery swarming in from serious anarchist domestic terrorist and inner city criminal extremes. These extremes forgo tame reform like civilian oversight or body cameras. They want police to bow down to mindless rage at traffic stops and frenzied disruption marches masquerading as peaceful protests. Abolition of police period is the ultimate stated objective.

Picture an America run by unhinged suburban socialists and inner city gangs with police and civilian self-defense made extinct? They want a monopoly on force and Fergueson, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Dallas and Baton Rouge graphically show how they’ll use it. This is national captivity these rogues envision, not police demilitarization championed by US Senator Rand Paul and the NAACP after the Fergueson riots.

They don’t want constitutional policing ala ACLU recommendations. Reasonable liberals and libertarians should cease legitimizing rogues by calmly excusing inexcusable excesses. These rogues will eventually turn on them for being mainstream after serving their purpose. When liberal and libertarian sympathizers get beaten or shot, the rogues will have shed any pretense of reason. I suggest reasonable reformers unite with police supporters before it’s too late.

A reign of epic ignorance and violence is at hand and only a united public can stop it. Otherwise, America would become a Mad Max movie set, where inmates run the asylum and hostages run for their lives. Liberal civil rights, conservative traditional values and libertarian civil liberties cease to exist. That’s the sick social order, when rogues rule.

-Nadra Enzi aka Cap Black, Your UrbanSafetyist. @nadraenzi on twitter.

#GeauxBlue or Go Home!

Today is #GeauxBlue Nola Day, in honor of the embattled NOPD. In what police members and supporters consider an anti-cop climate, it encourages participants to wear blue to show solidarity with our department. There is a wide divide between it and New Orleans urban majority- perhaps this is one more bridge across it? 

I communicate with officers and executives nation-wide daily as part of my #IUniteWithBlue effort. The American police officer is under political-and literal!-attack by a movement whom I suspect feels crime is a sick civil right law enforcement violates. Creative, aggressive citizen advocacy is needed to end this department-destroying scheme masquerading as police reform. 

At any rate, #GeauxBlue today or go home. Crime is organized, why aren’t we? 

-Nadra Enzi aka Cap Black, Your UrbanSafetyist. @nadraenzi on twitter.

Are Police Obsolete?

The early 21st century may well be called, ” the era when police became obsolete. ” A veteran officer told me once that police were obsolete. He arrived at this conclusion after seeing the profession face unprecedented scrutiny.

Our challenge as stakeholders is to answer this question for ourselves. The media and high profile agitators don’t have final say in the matter. There are lifelong civilians and police retirees whose passionate police support doesn’t make national news. As law abiding people, protesting and creating buzz isn’t their style. I strongly suggest they raise the volume because anti-police voices have seized the airwaves.

The cure for Fergueson Effect depolicing rests in loud, organized public support of police officers. Pro-law enforcement lobbying must hit the streets, media and ballot boxes. It must change the narrative about policing in America. Civilian advocacy for police is the gaping hole between police unions and police protesters. It can be filled by folks who feel police aren’t obsolete, but only if they’re ready to fight. Are you ready to fight for police when they can’t fight for themselves?

Your response shapes safety and society for this century.

-Nadra Enzi aka Cap Black, Your UrbanSafetyist. @nadraenzi on twitter.